Media literacy and capacity building
We are a non-profit media organization working in the field of media literacy and communication capacity building.
We aim to increase media literacy and knowledge in society for inclusion and participation.
Until the lion can speak and tell its version, the story will always glorify the hunter.
Creative & Inclusive
Who are we
Norsensus Mediaforum is an ideal organization that offers media and digital services and training, assists the NGO and public sector with capacity building in media and communication, and contributes to increasing media literacy in society.
Our expertise
Carried out
with our activities
Our latest work
Our exciting projects in more than 15 countries...
Bilateral Initiative with Higgs for Advocacy
AdvocaCY: Participate, learn, decide, challenge: Civil Society for sustainability, advocacy and...
Platform for development of school volunteering
Polish-Ukrainian Sisterhood
Media Talks
Story-down walls!
Our services
Education, guidance, design, and production, media services
Workshops / Training
Storytelling, kommunikasjonsstrategi, design thinkning, bruk av AI, digitale ferdigheter, film, foto og animasjon
Film, animation, web, app
Design & Produc
Film production, visual design, web design, app development, concept development
Capacity building in media and digital competence, communication strategy...