Free online educational resources for learning at home in corona times
A new education landscape is forming and dozens of free resources are available for yourself and your children who are moving classes online due to coronavirus' spread. Here are some tips and useful resources
Future Learn
Short online courses. Choose from hundreds of online courses from top universities and specialist organisations. You can find diverse courses from Understand the emergence of COVID-19 and how we respond to it going forward to Royal Fashion in a fun way.
Learn or improve your Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Esperanto, Polish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Welsh, Arabic, Latin or English. Improve your vocabulary, start with basic verbs, phrases, and sentences, and learn new words daily.
Daily Art
Every day get inspired by classic, modern and contemporary art masterpieces and read short stories about them. Join the community of over 700.000 art lovers!
Bad News
Take this “fake news vaccine” packed as an engaging game! In the social impact game Bad News you take on the role of a propagandist. Enter the shadowy world of online deceit and rise to power. Learn about various tactics and methods that are used to spread deceitful messages and disinformation.
Learn coding, for beginners and advanced coders. By setting aside just five minutes per day, you’ll go through the code classes and learn the basics of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and SQL. Along the way, you’ll build websites and apps by writing real code.
Online courses taught by instructors from well-recognized universities and companies.
Free Online courses from leading educational institutions.
University of the People
Online university with open access to higher education.
Project Gutenberg
Visit Project Gutenberg for more than 45,000 free classic books for children and adults.
JSTOR resources- Free during COVID-19
JSTOR and our participating publishers are making an expanded set of content freely available to our participating institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19.
Adobe distance-learning resource center
Some great lesson plans, projects, and webinars in one place so teachers can find new ways to engage students remotely, communicate with parents, and look after their own well-being.
Adobe Education exchange
Get instant access to free courses, workshops, teaching materials and connect with the creative education community.
Discovery Education
Free educational resources and lessons about viruses and outbreaks for different grade levels.
Learning application with large repositories of educational content tailored for different grades and learning levels.
Curated and user-created digital learning content delivered on an online platform that enables educational and research experiences.
Software to create lessons with informative and interactive assessment activities.
yourKITE Training Toolkit
Enhance your skills in organizing workshops for young people on media & communication, visual storytelling, entrepreneurship, career counseling, and volunteering by using this Training Toolkit that Norsensus Mediaforum developed within yourKITE project.
Storytelling Training Toolkit
Learn how to support young people to develop specific skills, including communication and digital skills related to storytelling, advocacy, communication strategies, social media campaigns, etc. The toolkit was developed by Norsensus Mediaforum within the Nordic Impact Young Storytellers project.
Skill IT for Youth Training Toolkit
Here is another tool for you – youth workers and educators – to enhance your competences in providing workshops to young people to develop their 21st-century skills. All the workshops propose a digital perspective on well-known competences, such as creativity & innovation, communication, media literacy, teamwork, etc.
Salto Youth
For more resources on professional development for youth workers and educators/teachers, we recommend you Salto Youth Resources Center, which promotes and supports youth work by offering trainings, tools, and state-of-art strategies.
Websites and Youtube channels that provide fun and engaging way of learning
Christmas Lectures by The Royal Institution Science
The CHRISTMAS LECTURES are engaging and mind-expanding television programmes for all ages but particularly children and young adults.
Crash Courses
Awesome courses in one awesome channel! Nicole Sweeney teaches you sociology, Carrie Anne Philbin teaches you computer science, Craig Benzine teaches film history, and Mike Rugnetta is teaching mythology! Check out the playlists for past courses in physics, philosophy, games, economics, politics, astronomy, anatomy & physiology, world history, biology, literature, eco.
National Geographic | Science, Exploration And Adventure
Inspiring people to care about the planet! National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within TED-Ed’s growing library of TED-Ed animations, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed website.
Khan academy
Interactive practice problems, articles, and videos that help students succeed in math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, and many other topics.
Smart Girls
For older kids, check out Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls channel. It features the requisite DIYs that kids love, such as how to make fizzing bath bombs, for example, but also provides profiles of inspiring women, including astronauts and scientists, not to mention manners tutorials and videos designed to inspire girls to become involved in social issues such as climate change.
Want to understand the science in your own life? We’ll show you! Your daily dose of fascinating science!
Apps and useful websites
Cozi is a family calendar app and website that the whole family can use to stay organized. It includes a shared family calendar, to do lists, meal planning, shopping lists, and more, and can sync with every family member’s device so everyone is on the same page. Even if you already use Google Calendar to stay organized, Cozi can also sync with it, making it a good option for kids too young for Google accounts.
Chore Pad
The modern day version of a chore chart, Chore Pad lets you assign and track household tasks and motivate kids to complete them. Kids earn stars for a job well done, and can accumulate stars for rewards. While not strictly a homeschool app, the app certainly might help your days run more smoothly. It’s available for iPhone and iPad as well as on the web. For Android users, Reward My Chore offers similar functionality.
KAHOOT! for family and friends
Calling all parents! Give your kids engaging and easy-to-use learning games to study at home while school is out, or as an extra to school curriculum. Sign up and get access to millions of free learning games for the entire family.
Bedtime Math
Bedtime Math’s mission is to introduce math as a fun part of children’s daily routine, as common and beloved as the bedtime story. Bedtime Math provides free apps, books and printable activity pages. The platform is targeted toward children age 2 through elementary school.
If you’re looking for some apps for the tablet, we recommend DuckDuckMoose for the preschool to kindergarten set. Graphics and interface are engaging and easily accessible for children. From puzzles, maps, to fun music apps where you can learn notes and rhythm, kids gravitate enthusiastically to this sister site of Khan Academy.
Free resources and subscriptions for remote learning and home schooling due to coronavirus -
By Donna Duarte-Ladd, Olga Uzunova and Katarina Avendaño It's official, NYC Public Schools are CLOSED until April 20th due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will, of course, be posting and sharing on ways parents can keep their sanity all the while navigating what is new territory for so many of us.
Top 100 Educational YouTube Channels on Learning, Discovery & Educational Videos
Cambridge, Youtube Followers- 2,350,000 . Views Count- 189,092,476 . Video Count - 6,018 Massachusetts, United States About Youtuber The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
Distance learning solutions
Below is a list of educational applications and platforms to help parents, teachers, schools and school systems facilitate student learning and provide social caring and interaction during periods of school closure. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO's explicit endorsement, they tend to have wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact.
101 FUN Things to do in COVID-19 Isolation
If you are like the rest of the world, chances are you community is beginning to limit large group settings and encourage people to limit contact with others. Schools are closing, churches are not holding services, libraries and entertainment venues are closing, even Disney world is closed!