Noticias de calidad seleccionadas a mano y comentarios sobre corona y bienestar digital

Continuaremos actualizando esta página con contenido de calidad desde fuentes fiables sobre estas pandemias de varias dimensiones.

The coronavirus is the first true social-media "infodemic"

On January 19-a week before the Lunar New Year-Tommy Tang left Shenzhen with his girlfriend to visit her family in Wuhan for the holiday. They had heard of the novel coronavirus (now officially known as COVID-19), but as far as they knew, it was localized to a small area.

Do You Get Immunity After Recovering From A Case Of Coronavirus?

It's unclear whether people who recover from COVID-19 will be immune to reinfection from the coronavirus and, if so, how long that immunity will last. "We don't know very much," says Matt Frieman, a coronavirus researcher at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure

There is simply no way that our lives will resume as if this had never happened. And so, while it may feel good in the moment, it is foolish to dive into a frenzy of activity or obsess about your scholarly productivity right now. That is denial and delusion. The emotionally and spiritually sane response is to prepare to be forever changed.

Is It OK to Make Coronavirus Memes and Jokes?

A global outbreak that has killed thousands of people doesn't seem like a likely source of humor, but the internet can't stop cracking jokes about coronavirus. Since late last year, when China first alerted the world to the novel coronavirus, jokes, puns, and memes about it have been spreading even faster and wider than the virus itself.

How to survive isolation with your roommates, your partner, your kids - and yourself

By now, we all know that voluntary social distancing is key to mitigating the spread of Covid-19. In the grand scheme of things, lying low for a little while is a small sacrifice to make for the increased safety of all, though it certainly will pose challenges, not least of which being to our relationships.

Don't panic, we'll be fine, scientist tells the world

A Nobel laureate scientist who correctly predicted that China would control the coronavirus far more quickly than original estimates predicted said yesterday that the world was "going to be fine" but "what we need to control is panic".

Coronavirus: How to work from home, the right way

Google, Microsoft, Twitter. Hitachi, Apple, Amazon. Chevron, Salesforce, Spotify. From the UK to the US, Japan to South Korea, these are all global companies that have, in the last few days, rolled out mandatory work-from-home policies amid the spread of Covid-19.

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

The fact that the novel coronavirus appeared in the middle of flu season has prompted inevitable comparisons. Is COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, pretty much similar to the flu or does it pose a far greater threat?

Six coronavirus health myths fact-checked

Coronavirus is emerging in more countries around the world and there's currently no known cure. Unfortunately that hasn't stopped a slew of health advice, ranging from useless but relatively harmless, to downright dangerous. We've been looking at some of the most widespread claims being shared online, and what the science really says.

Coronavirus Resources: Teaching, Learning and Thinking Critically

A page we will continue to update with ideas for working, at school or at home, with content from The Times and other reliable sources about this global pandemic.

Why fighting the coronavirus depends on you

In March 2020, the World Health Organization officially classified Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, as a pandemic. That means the disease no longer constitutes just an outbreak or even an epidemic; the coronavirus has now spread around the world, and will continue to reach into other countries and communities.

What it's like to have a baby during the coronavirus pandemic

Editor's note, March 18: The author, who submitted this story on Monday, delivered a healthy baby boy in Vienna on Tuesday. VIENNA - I'm nearly 40 weeks pregnant and being induced tonight, Monday, five days ahead of my due date. It's not for medical reasons, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A Socioeconomic Tsunami': How The World Is Dealing With Pandemic

President Trump says the U.S. has reached an agreement with Canada to limit nonessential travel across their mutual border, as governments and people around the world grapple with the growing novel coronavirus pandemic that has upended daily life and sent shockwaves through the global economy.

Why Covid-19 is worse than the flu, in one chart

A question we keep hearing about the Covid-19 pandemic: Isn't this disease a lot like the flu? A quick unambiguous answer: No, this is not like the seasonal flu. It is worse. Yes, some of the symptoms of Covid-19 resemble flu - especially fever and coughs.

Get your museum fix here: Six Google art discoveries for your coronavirus quarantine

Coronavirus closures may mean months could pass before you can stand in front of a museum masterpiece again. If you have time on your hands and a deep need for cultural sustenance and succor, be it for yourself or your children, it's time to get familiar with a resource so obvious it's not: Google Arts & Culture.

The government might want your phone location data to fight coronavirus. Here's why that could be okay.

Uncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing - and changing us. The United States government wants tech companies to tell it where you've been as part of its effort to fight the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, according to the Washington Post.

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The Corona Quiz: Do you trust on your knowledge about coronavirus?

Can you separate the COVID-19 fact from viral fake news and disinformation? This quiz (with special thanks to Open Democracy) will challenge your competence...