No Hate Speech Campaign prolonged till the end of 2017

The 125th Session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which took place in Brussels on 19 May 2015, focused on „the fight against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism“. With a new action plan for the period 2015-2017, the No Hate Speech Campaign has been enhanced and extended for three more years – till the end of 2017.

The extended No Hate Speech Campaign will focus on continued support to existing and new National Campaign Committees, including providing institutional support and practical tools to national authorities wishing to train educators, youth and social workers and law enforcement staff, and in the production and wide dissemination of distribution items to children, young people, parents and other adults through schools, universities, youth clubs and youth organisations.

The campaign focuses on combating on-line hate speech in all its forms, including cyber-bullying, cyber-hate, racism and all forms of discrimination. While countering on-line hate speech, the campaign also takes into account the new risks of today’s world, such as radicals who use internet (including social media) to recruit terrorist fighters.

The implementation of the action plan will include sharing of „best practices“ and other relevant information among all Member States, it will take into account complementarity and co-operation with the European Union and other international actors, and it will encourage Member States to make full use of the new and revised ECRI General Policy Recommendations on Combating Hate Speech, which provide an important input for States when drawing up relevant national strategies and policies.

ERYICA expresses our continuing support to the Campaign not only as its official partner but also by committing to its aims and values.

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