Nordic Young Impact Storytellers

The project aims to empower young people (16-25 years old) from Norway, Sweden and Finland to participate and influence more, providing them with the necessary skills to advocate better for any cause they believe in, through Nordic level and local workshops and specific tools on advocacy, storytelling, communication strategies and online campaigns.

Project objectives:

  • Develop young leaders’ spokespersonship, storytelling, and communication knowledge and skills in order to give stronger voice to their causes, and promote diversity, inclusion and equality;
  • Develop tools for youth organizations and youth workers for better communicating with their stakeholders, in order to participate and influence more;
  • Strengthen the expertise of the Nordic youth organizations working with inclusion, equality and diversity to better promote their causes and better participate and influence in their communities.


  • Networking meeting to share experience among partner countries and plan project activities .
  • Nordic level workshop for 18 young leaders from Finland, Norway and Sweden on communication, spokespersonship and storytelling for better promote and advocate for a cause.
  • Online training toolkit for young leaders including ready workshops scenarios for training young people on digital & communication and intercultural communication skills
  • Local workshops for young people, delivered by young leaders


  • September 2018- October 2019


Awesome People - Sweden


Norsensus Mediaforum - Norway


Saga Finland - Finland


Solna Ungdoms Cafe - Sweden


This project has been financed by Nordic Council of Ministers in the frame of NORDBUK grant programme.