

EndContinuous project


Faktuell is a media literacy project and a youth generated online publication for youths between 13-19 from diverse backgrounds in Oslo.

In align with promoting media and information literacy as a means to open and inclusive society, Faktuell project aims to strengthen civic participation, and enhance the practice of freedom of speech among the youth by improving their digital and ICT competence to a purposeful and quality media production.

The main objective of the project is to train young people in journalism and design and stimulate them to express themselves freely and share their ideas and messages effectively with a real and wider audience. We use media as a tool for young people to have active civic engagement and examine themselves, their communities and the world at large.

Drawing on the expertise and mentorship of journalism experts, the program allows participants the opportunity to master aspects of media production, in order to become effective media creators. The program offers a series of workshops, seminars, and mentoring opportunities for youths.

Adhering to the highest journalistic standards, students are trained by professionals according to UNESCO’s Media Training Framework, and produce media content on the issues they want to report on, and write, record, edit and publish their stories for a real audience on an online newspaper, and electronic magazine.

While the project develops new skills to empower young people’s democratic and economic participation, it also serves to contribute to creation a diverse media landscape by generating a youth advocacy platform for less represented young population in Oslo.


The project provides workshops, seminars, practice and mentoring opportunities for the youth. Also it provides an online magazine where youths publish their journalistic work.


Who is the target group?

The main target group of the project is the youth who between 14 and 18 and have limited access to and representation in social and cultural life. Especially the ones with immigrant background and underrepresented in media. The project will apply a gender quota of %40 percent.

Har du spørsmål eller vil du bli involvert? / Do you have question, suggestion or would you like to involve in the project?

Vi setter stor pris på dine tilbakemeldinger, forslag og bidrag. / We appreciate your great ideas, feedbacks and help.


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