MILagers- Empowering young people, by enhancing their media and information literacy (MIL)


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MILagers project aims to engage, connect and empower young people, by enhancing their media and information literacy (MIL) competencies through cross-sectorial and innovative open educational tools. The project goal is to improve youth work in the field of media literacy, supporting youth organizations

The project goal is to improve youth work in the field of media literacy, supporting youth organizations to:

  • Support young people to develop MIL competencies in a holistic way, through gamified paltform with real working tasks; strengthen young people’s sense of initiative, helping them to put into practice their ideas for solving social problems, through design thinking facilitation techniques adapted to the youth sector;
  • Support young people to express their opinions through powerful storytelling techniques and influence policy-makers, decision makers, CSOs and other relevant stakeholders.
  • The project will also enhance the youth organizations’ communication and media capacity, and their capacity for designing, redesigning and co-designing user-centered services for young people, through innovative and NGO-suited design thinking and storytelling tools.

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