Even more involved school communities, new forms of support, School Civic Eco-Budgets, Oxford Eco-debates, school environmental campaigns and the CLIMATE MAP ONLINE TOOL – all this and more await the participants of the project “We are active for the climate!”
The aim of the project is to increase civic and social participation of young people and to increase the involvement of young people in local policies regarding climate change in the self-governments of the Poznań Metropolis. The project is implemented in the years 2022 – 2023. As part of the project, School Young Citizen Clubs will be created in 25 school institutions, in which an educational program will be implemented to educate young people who are civically, socially and ecologically responsible, mindful of the needs of the natural environment, respecting the rights of others and willingly engaging to volunteer.
Each of the 25 schools (primary and secondary) provides for the participation of students and teachers in a series of workshops preparing for the activities of the School Young Citizen Clubs (SKMO).
- WORKSHOPS FOR TEACHERS – in the scope of performing the function of a SKMO tutor.
- WORKSHOPS FOR PUPILS – a series of workshops introducing social and civic topics in each of the schools:
- workshops: Creating your own social and civic projects (including Oxford debates)
- workshops: We are active and we protect the climate
- workshops: Creating youth social campaigns
- workshops: Organizing School Civic Eco-Budgets
Each Club will implement various social and civic initiatives:
- SCHOOL CIVIC ECO-BUDGET (SBO EKO) – students of each school will submit ideas and vote for a project that will be implemented in the school. Mini-projects should be used to build an environmentally friendly school or to increase environmental awareness (e.g. purchase of boards informing about climate change, installation for mini rainwater retention at school, waste segregation baskets, organization of an event increasing sensitivity to climate change).
The project is not only about activities in schools, but also:
- project subpage with the School Civic Eco-Budgets module
- CLIMATE MAP ONLINE TOOL available through the website www.mapujklimat.terrifica.eu
- module for auxiliary bodies of local government units on the metropolitan consultation portal www.konsultacje.metropoliapoznan.pl with the function of citizens’ questionnaires
- publications:
- A guide for youth – Implementation of youth pro-ecological projects
- Guide for young people – Guide to the world of civic participation for young people
- Good practices in the field of civic activation of young people in environmental issues in Slovenia
- Good practices in the field of pro-ecological solutions in local governments in Slovenia
- Good practices for creating youth social campaigns in Norway
- organizing webinars for local government officials and members of youth councils, estate councils and village councils from the Poznań Metropolitan Area, during which experts will strengthen the awareness of ecology, adaptation to climate change and civic participation in offices and auxiliary self-governments.
During the project, an international cooperation component was planned: Poland-Norway-Slovenia, assuming:
- Study visit to Slovenia (Ljubljana) organized in cooperation with with a Slovenian partner – EBM (Polish name: Ecologists without borders)
- Study visit to Norway (Oslo) organized in cooperation with with a Norwegian partner – Norsensus Mediaforum
- Study visit to Poland (Poznań) organized by CREO in cooperation with the Poznań Metropolis Association for representatives of EBM and Norsensus (foreign partners) on the occasion of organizing one of the Conferences in Poland.
Conferences as part of the project:
- SOCIAL AND CIVIC ACTIVE SCHOOL CONFERENCE: introducing the topic of civic activation of young people in the field of pro-ecological initiatives and campaigns
- CONFERENCE SUMMARIZING THE PROJECT, including the presentation of good practices from the project
Substantive reports that we will develop thanks to the implementation of the project:
- LOCAL CLIMATE MAPPING REPORTS (25) – prepared on the basis of the results of the research carried out in schools during school environmental campaigns using the MAP CLIMATE ONLINE TOOL.
- LOCAL REPORTS ON CIVIC ACTIVITY SURVEYS (25) – prepared on the basis of the results of civic surveys carried out in local communities around schools included in the project for estate councils / village councils
The project covers the area of the Poznań Metropolis, that is:
- Buk Town and Commune
- Czerwonak Commune
- Dopiewo Commune
- Kleszczewo Commune
- Komorniki Commune
- Kostrzyn Town and Commune
- Kórnik Town and Commune
- The City of Luboń
- Mosina Town and Commune
- Murowana Goślina Town and Commune
- Oborniki Town and Commune
- Pbbiedziska Town and Commune
- The City of Poznań
- The City of Puszczykowo
- Rokietnica Commune
- Skoki Town and Commune
- Stęszew The Town and Commune
- Suchy Las Commune
- Swarzędz Town and Commune
- Szamotuły Town and Commune
- Śrem Town and Commune
- Tarnowo Podgórne Commune