Polen FRA BLOGGENNew social campaigns coming soon from Polish-Ukrainian Sisterhood projectStrengthening mother-daughter relationships was a priority of a recent social initiativeStereotypes were the main topic of the 3rd anti-discrimination social initiative.Continuation of anti-discrimination social initiatives!Anti-discrimination social initiativesAnother YourKITE Meeting Was Hosted By Warsaw, Poland PROSJEKTER I POLEN VOLUNTEERING CONNECTS GENERATIONS Subcarpathian culture without barriers Polish-Ukrainian Sisterhood Climate Citizen Jury WE are active for the climate! Girls Are Building Engage school! COOPERATE TO OPERATE: BRINGING TOGETHER YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS AND SMES THROUGH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Skill IT for Youth YourKITE PARTNERE I POLEN CREO FRSI (Information Society Development Foundation) Fundacja Aktywnych Inicjatyw Rozwoju Fundacja Pole Dialogu Fundacja Robinson Crusoe Fundacja Samodzielni Robinsonowie Institute for Sustainable Development Poznań Metropolis Association PSAR PSAR