Vinnere av påvirkningskampanje konkurransen er i gang med å implementere sine kampanjer

Mediakompetanse og påvirkningskampanje programmet for VGS-elever har kåret vinner prosjektene og vinner gruppene er i gang med å implementere sine prosjekter.

Ungdom fra Botosani, Babadag og Bistrita er blant vinnere av påvirkningskampanje konkurransen og skql begynne å realisere sine prosjekter innen mai-måned.

CJI og Norsensus MediaForum presentere med glede vinnere i påvirkningskampanje prosjektene utviklet av VGS-elever som deltok i kurs i media og påvirkningskampanje som ble gitt i 2014 i 10 forskjellige byer i Romania.

Evaluering av 13 godkjente påvirkningskampanje prosjekter ble gjort av en norsk-rumensk jury. Ut av resultatene fra evalueringen ble følgende kampanjer kåret som vinnere:

Together with you! – Botosani (Fighting bullying and abusive behaviors among young adolescents and promote conflict mediation in their community.)

Let’s communicate shukar! – Babadag (The project aims to integrate ethnically diverse Babadag community (specifically youth) by developing healthy alternatives for leisure, both children and young people and involve young people in non-formal activities.)

Being silent acts against you! – Bistrita (The project aims to address the lack of reaction of high school students to the phenomenon of bullying)

Winning campaigns addressing issues such as discrimination and integration of Roma community, bullying at schools and domestic violence propose solutions designed to help increase accountability and civic engagement of students. The winning teams, receiving support from trainers of Center for Independent Journalism (CJI) along with coordinating teachers, have already set on implementing their advocacy projects. Also, three members of the winning teams, together with coordinating teachers, will make a study visit to Norway in mid May this year

Vinner gruppene

BOTOSANI: Claudia Mighiu, Titus Sava, Aniela Palaghia; (Colegiul Național Mihai Eminescu; prof. Coordinator: Loredana Ciobanu)

BABADAG: Elena Oprea, Madalina Jacota, Andreea Sauca, Alina Verban, Madalina Lungu, Cristina Lungu, Cristina Drăgănoiu, Sofia Cretu, Ismail Mustafa, Regep Tarzan, Asan, Regep Ibrahim, Sali Regep Maruan, Aban Asan. (Liceul Dimitrie Cantemir ; profesor Coordinator: dr. Melia-Ana Abdula)

BISTRITA: Alexandru Barteș (Colegiul Național Liviu Rebreanu; prof. Coordinator: Monica Halaszi)


About the project

The project «Digital Literacy for High School Students to Fight Hate Speech and Discrimination in the Media» aims to contribute towards the education of high school students in the spirit of tolerance and inclusion. It develops media competences that will allow them a critical reception of the media discourse, as well as a responsible presence in the public sphere, as «online content generators». The courses for high school students (country-wise this age group is identified as being highly intolerant) held in 10 cities of Romania are doubled by courses for teachers and journalists, bloggers and civic activists in the same communities. With the support of the teachers, civic activists and journalists/bloggers, the students will plan and run advocacy campaigns aimed at fighting discrimination and hate speech in their community, thus practicing models of public participation and citizens’ empowering.

The project is run by the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), in partnership with Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway).

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