Visual Storytelling against Domestic Violence in Bulgaria

Norsensus Mediaforum provides visual storytelling and communication workshops to Bulgarian NGOs, insitituions and teachers working for prevention of domestic violence.

Break the Silence Project starts in Bulgaria. The project is carried out by National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria in partnership with Norsensus Mediaforum. The project aims to train and mobilize institutions and activists in Bulgaria against domestic and gender based violence. Norsensus mediaforum provides media and communication training for the participants and helps them to increase the impact of their work with effective communication methods.

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In the frame of the project activities, more than 40 activists, teachers and officials from all over the country attended to visual storytelling and communication startegy workshop between 26 and 28 October. In the workshops held in Sofia, the participants were introduced to visual storytelling techniques and tools as well as the principles of better communication and an effective advovacy by using various media tools.

National Evrope TV geatured the workshop.

Read more about the project



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